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Finding a good enough store with blog to partner blog

Following recently emails with Mike, blogging and maybe blog commenting still seem to be the easiest way to get back links.

I read on DP that forming a partnership with a fellow store and blog sites (in the same category as my site(s)) and then guest blogging is an ideal way to get links and good content.

I must have googled ‘jewellery store blog’ (or similar) about a dozen times and looked for appropriates, in the last several months. However, for one reason or another I never find a site I feel happy with. Most of the time the sites just don’t look right, whether they have too many banners or they look like they have a major brand.

I know sites which are very relevant will be best, therefore I don’t want to steer away from this.

I just feel that I’m wasting valuable blogging time.


by JM

Shop Site Review

I spent an hour or so looking the site and noted a few things. Some of the points are subjective, i.e they might just be my personal likes and dislikes.

Performance for chosen keywords

Four keywords were mentioned by email and the site does well for each of them – top 10 in the results on google UK.

The pages could do with a tidy up in terms of their titles and meta tags. Taking one example, the page has a title:

Novelty + Fun Jewellery

This might be better as:

Fun Jewellery – Novelty Jewellery

Also, the page does not have a meta description. You might want to repeat the first paragraph in the meta description. Since the paragraph also talks above parties, you might want the title to be:

Fun Jewellery – Novelty Jewellery – Party Jewellery

In the sidebar, you have a link titled Novelty + Fun Jewellery. Possibly, you could split this into 2 or three separate links:

Novelty Jewellery
Fun Jewellery
Party Jewllery

OR include different links in the footer and sidebar, e.g. put “Fun Jewellery” in the sidebar and tuck the other two links away in the footer.


The pictures on the site are better than when I last looked. However, on some of the pages there are a lot of words to read through before the pictures. It might be worth placing the pictures first or using the pics to split up the words into paragraphs.

On pages like, I’d be tempted to make the pictures larger as I find it a bit hard to see the current ones.

Shopping Cart

I’m using IE8. Whenever I click on a Buy or Add To Basket button, the page simply reloads or blinks and I don’t really get the impression that anything has been added to a basket.

Also, I’m unable to see how I access my basket and checkout.

A new pad file link building idea?

I was just thinking about the pad file link building idea and the pros and cons.


  • The file would be submitted to too many sites and would be judged as spam.
  • You needed to have a different exe / program to go with it.
  • You had to create the pad file which took time.


  • It did provide back links

So if we just submitted to say 5 sites and were able to make the pad file and exe build process quicker this might be worthwhile?

My idea would be to to develop a program which took a basic pad file, with standard info already added. The point the program at a certain page on your website and let is strip out relevant information. Then as a final step in the program, have a box where you could alter the description text so it wasn’t a duplicate of the text on your page.

I haven’t figured out how to create an exe / program quickly. Although I guess I could create a video of me talking about the web page, witht he web page and the product on display. Then I could some how put the video into an exe.

The bonus of creating a video, would be that I could upload it to youtube too, which is something I hoped to do anyway.

One other question I haven’t considered, are all links for shareware site rated as spam.

What do you guys think?

by JM


How to know what keywords work and succeed?

I’ve setup a couple of sites in the last year or so where I’ve done some keyword research using the adwords keywords tool. I found keywords which seem relevant to my products and had produced traffic.

However, these keywords have not produced orders for me.

Looking at my google webmaster stats top queries seem to have proved the most useful. I’ve looked at the landing pages for those keywords and optimized further on those pages for those keywords.

So I think I finally may have cracked it 🙂

by JM

How do you organize your bookmarks?

I always seems to end up with a masssive list of bookmarks and a long list of folders.

Then perhaps every year I take a backup and start again from scratch.

I’m getting in a bit of a mess now so I was thinking I’d like to start a fresh in a way where I don’t end up in a mess.

Do you specify folders and sub folders and sub folders etc?

by JM

Printing CDs – How to make it easier

A fair percentage of our customers want a CD copy. My wife handles the admin side of the operation and is ending up spending a couple of evenings a week burning CDs, printing address labels and packing items for mailing the next day. It’s getting to be too much of a burden. At one point we almost decided to stop offering CDs as the money we made wasn’t worth the time and effort involved. We carried on though because we felt a percentage of people might not buy if they couldn’t get a CD.

We currently use an inkjet CD printer that takes a fair time to print a CD. We burn the CD contents using a normal CD writer on my wife’s PC. Any ideas on a cheap way of offloading CD production and mailing OR a way we can carry on doing the work ourselves but speed up the process?

What does your inbox look like?

I’ve had some lack of computer problems recenlty, well I was in a bit of a mess before that.

Anyways what does your inbox look like ?


What to do with Google Product Search next!

I’ve been doing some research on Google Product Search and Google Base, to see if I can  improve my sales. So I thought I’d publish my findings and my experiences here. I’ve also created a new category on the blog here.

Page Rank (PR) has little impact on how high you appear in product search results, this is stated in a lot of sources I’ve found, I can also confirm this from my own sites. Optimization of your product landing page is suggested as to help, but this is less important that optimizing for the main index.

In your product feed, ensure your product description is relevant to your product title. So you need to include the same keywords. Researching keywords for specific products your customers use, also the title and description.

Including custom attributes per-say doesn’t boost your ranking. However, including a good coverage on information in fields gives google confidence in your products. Also a detailed description will help, this proves that your products are important.

Some sources say that free shipping can help.

When showing similar products a lower priced product will appear higher.

Reviews and rating help ranking too, unfortunately, I don’t have either so I’ve no ideal how you get either.

One source says that 2 or 3 keywords in the brand column is a good tip.

In several sources, having a good quantity of products will obviously increase your chances of hitting different keywords.

I guess, like any results in the main google index, getting links give you more exposure, a suggestion that submitting your site to many review sites and to get your site reviewed will increase your exposure. However, I’ve struggled to find any review sites, the sites which I have found are actually shopping comparison sites. So I’m not sure where to go with this.

A lot of discussions I have found talks about updating your feed often, some even update every day. This must refer to people using the manual submission method, which is aimed at people with a small amount of products. Having lots of products makes this kind of difficult and time consuming, maybe little changes like prices may help. Also, in the early days of base, the option of providing dynamic data wasn’t available, so updating for the sake of it, doesn’t seem worthwhile. But I guess the point is that you need to keep your data fresh and show that someone is actually alive and doing something on your sort.

One other point, which was mentioned, is the age of your products, I have one product which is our most popular and we sell at least one every week or two. The product description is detailed and we spent time on it, unlike more recent products which don’t have much content. But this product is aged.

Summary, a lot of the same rules apply as with googles main index, you need to prove your alive, that your products are worth updating. You need to adapt to change in the results. There aren’t many tricks you can employ to get higher in the results, but theres plenty of grunt work you can keep up with which will give google and your customers confidence in your service.

by JM

It shouldn’t be this difficult?

I was thinking earlier how I could get more traffic and sales to my site for free. I thought link building, then I thought this isn’t what google wants. It was you to become an authoritative site.

I was thinking about google products and sites which give you something for free.

Then I thought about softtester, its taken a long time to where it is today. However, the initial idea was to get me traffic for my products. I created advertising space and gave it away to anyone who wanted it, on a first come first served basis.

Then things stagnated, but the site was in a good position.

I guess my question is, if you give links away and give away free advertising and create an area where people want to visit over an over again, then people will naturally give you links. I guess that means a forum.

However, I don’t know how this formula applies to online stores or software sites.

Also, I guess you need to make the site attractive in the first place.


by JM

Getting on track with link building?

I’ve just done what seems to be my bi-monthly task, of looking at link building task at the top of my to-do list. Then wading through the topics on link building here, which is made easier as last time I created a new category called link building.

Firstly, what I’ve just read here which has caught my attention, briefly…

– Blog comments can definitely help make your site rank for keywords. They are no more a scam than any other kind of SEO really.

– People giving you links.

– You don’t need a lot of links, but they need to quality.

– Run a competition perhaps with a competition site.

– Give something away for free.

My thoughts.

– We find blog commenting is very difficult and it hard to find the motivation to keep going.

– I think an ideal was for people to give me links would be from customer purchase reviews. I haven’t been able to find a review site which does this. Yes I have found sites which list your products, where you pay a fortune.

– If I were to give something away for free I’d have to benefit somehow.

– I’ve just been thinking about our own product review service on a sub domain but I doubt there would much more benefit that having it on the main site.

So this doesn’t leave me any further forward really.

Any thoughts?

by JM